SNCF Project for Detailed Tracking of Rail Mobility and CO2 Emissions

SNCF, in collaboration with SNCF Lab, presents the « Mon Année Connect » project at the #VivaTech event. With the aim of providing individuals with a detailed assessment of their rail mobility in terms of distance traveled and CO2 emissions, this initiative seeks to raise public awareness about the environmental impact of transportation and encourage more sustainable mobility choices.

Details of the « Mon Année Connect » Project: Mon Année Connect relies on a digital platform that collects and analyzes data on rail mobility from users. By combining information about the journeys undertaken and the trains used, this platform generates a comprehensive report on the distance covered and the corresponding CO2 emissions.

Through this initiative, users will be able to visualize their individual environmental impact and compare their data with national or regional averages. This will foster awareness of the ecological consequences of their transportation choices and promote the adoption of more environmentally-friendly modes of travel, such as trains.

SNCF Involvement in the Ecological Transition: The « Mon Année Connect » project is part of SNCF ongoing efforts to reduce its carbon footprint and promote sustainable mobility. By providing accurate data on CO2 emissions associated with train travel, SNCF aims to encourage awareness and engagement among its users towards environmentally-friendly mobility.

SNCF presence at the #VivaTech exhibition demonstrates its commitment to exploring technological innovations and collaborating with stakeholders in the tech ecosystem to enhance the passenger experience and contribute to the fight against climate change.

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